Water and Waste Utilities of the World
Climate change is a serious and contentious issue. There is some disagreement on the issue of climate change as opinions coalesce but reports suggest that temperatures could rise substantially, whilst rainfall is expected to decline and sea levels to rise. The issue, in common with others such as the use of renewable energy and the […]
The Perception of Water
Countries have different attitudes towards water. In some it is simply a service, albeit an important one, to be provided as efficiently and economically as possible. Other countries take a far more socially oriented position. The chairman of the VerbandkommunalerUnternehmer, the Association of Municipal Authorities in Germany described his position: “Water is not a tradable […]
Environment and Climate
Climate change is a serious and contentious issue. There is some disagreement on the issue of climate change as opinions coalesce but reports suggest that temperatures could rise substantially, whilst rainfall is expected to decline and sea levels to rise. The issue, in common with others such as the use of renewable energy and the […]
Water Deregulation
Although the absolute figure looks large, the water and waste sector lags sadly behind other the infrastructure sectors in the private investment it receives. By the end of 2011, 743 PSP projects in 62 countries worth a cumulative total of $64,126 million had been closed in the water and sewage sector in developing countries and […]
Water Desalination Technologies
Desalination accounts for less than 1% of water consumption, but is highly significant. As desalination can produce water in regions where natural water supplies are stressed or of very poor quality. Two types of water desalination technologies are in current use to produce desalinated water: distillation or thermal (MSF or MED), which includes cogeneration of […]
White Paper: Desalination and Renewable Energy
This NRG Expert White Paper provides an introduction to renewable energy-powered desalination techniques and technology.
White Paper: An Introduction to Water Deregulation
This NRG Expert White Paper provides an overview of water deregulation. Topics covered include: Europe, the CIS, Asia Pacific, MENA, Sub-Sahara Africa, North America, South America and Central America.