This T&D white paper provides an introduction to the electricity transmission and distribution industry.
Political and technological events have influenced the development of the electricity transmission and distribution networks worldwide in recent years. This white paper provides an overview of some of these T&D developments and insight into the future of the T&D industry.
An Introduction to the Transmission and Distribution Industry
T&D Network Developments
> Overhead vs. Underground
> Looking Towards Renewables
Grid Interconnections – Europe
Outlook for the Electricity Transmission & Distribution Industry
Capital Expenditure on T&D
Annual Demand for Electricity Transmission and Distribution
Figure 1: Installed Transmission Line-Length by Region
Figure 2: Global T&D Capital Expenditure 2011-2016 (million US$)
Figure 3: Regional Breakdown of Capital Expenditure 2011-2016
Figure 4: 2011 Annual Demand breakdown by Sector
Figure 5: Total Annual T&D Demand 2011-2016
To read all about T&D developments, fill out the form above to request the complimentary white paper. NRG Expert also provides extensive research on the Electricity Transmission and Distribution Market.